Monday, November 29, 2010

Rose of Versailles - Research notes for Psych in the Media

Since I don't need to accept the clock to publish them out by hand, I decided to save my notes here and y'all can show 'em, I don't care.So, first of all I want to say how I broke down the songs. Basically what I did was chose one call from apiece of Madonna's albums, since she has so many songs and so many hits that I just decided the easiest way of loss about choosing was look at her overall singles discography and choosing the one from each album that was the most sexual.

I judged that based off of style and lyrics. Then, to contain the visual sexiness of a singer, you must bet at the music videos as well. For time's sake tonight I'm just analyzing the lyrics. From here on in the Madonna section I will just list the songs and explain briefly why I chose them.1. Burning Up - 1983 - Burning Up was one of the few Madge songs that I am unfamiliar with so I had to do a bit of research before I chose this song. However, the other singles from her debut album were Everybody, Holiday, Lucky Star, and Borderline. None of them being the least bit sexual, just sort of celebratory. I chose this song because even a midst love songs and celebratory anthems, there is however one song about sex. The lyrics that struck me about in this song were: "Do you wish to see me down on my knees Or bend over backwards now would you be pleased Unlike the others I'd do anything I'm not the like I give no shame I'm on fire" That's pretty much laying it all out for everyone to see right there. I will further analyze the sexual nature of this call and all others upon watching the video.2. Like a Virgin - 1984 - Name says it all. She's singing about what it feels similar to miss your virginity, no account needed at this time.3. This was a bad choice between La Isla Bonita and Papa Don't Preach, because La Isla Bonita has a more sexy feel to it but Papa Don't Preach is coming right out and saying "I have had sex, therefore I am pregnant." For now, I'm chosingPDP, but upon viewing both videos I may alter it to La Isla Bonita. PDP was released in 1986 and LIB was released in 19874. Like a Prayer - 1989 - I chose this song because it was again the only vaguely sexual song amongst the singles from the album of the like name. I say vaguely because some of the lyrics like saying "You know I'll take you there. In the midnight hour, I can experience your office" can be interpreted for sexual, but only if sex is the foremost identify your brain will go. It could honestly be even about religion. Once you see the picture to this song, however, you get to see a more sexual theme.5. Ertoica - 1992 - Need I say more? This is the era when I firmly believe Madonna starts getting more sexual. For this album, I had a superfluity of songs to take from, "Bad Girl" and "Deeper and Deeper" both provided me with some innuendo, but what's better than the very thing, amirite?!6. Human Nature - 1995 - Tough call between Bedtime Stories and Human Nature, but I went with Human Nature in the end because it's one that I'm more intimate with and I find that her actually mentioning sex in it is a little more persuasive than innuendo. However, rather than glorifying sex in this song, she kind of belittles the man for not lacking to speak around it.7. The Ray of Light album's singles had virtually zero to provide me. Frozen, The Might of Goodbye and Drowned World were not even vaguely sexual, they were pure ballads. Ray of Sparkle was another more celebratory song, but the video had sexy dancing, but nothing actually to characterize as a sexy thing. I'm going to cut this album in my presentation in the sake of time.8. Music was another more celebratory album and didn't give me any sexual themes, but I'm going to examine the music television in a little more depth, see if I can't make something out of it.9. American Animation was kind of the like way, more ballads than anything. I'll see if I can't get something out of the title tag of this one as well, but probably not.10. Get Together - 2006 - The lyrics to this one are more intimate than the other single from Confessions on a Dancefloor, but the music video is less sexual than anything. I'm going to see what professor O'Brien thinks of this.11. Give it 2 Me - 2008 - Doesn't actually need explaining, one of her about sexual songs.12. Revovler feat. Lil Wayne - No music video, but the lyrics are sexual enough that it doesn't take a position by side comparison.MILEY CYRUSMy main point with Miley Cyrus is showing how she started off free and viewing her transformation into a sexier musician. I can also prove that with Madonna, but Miley is a stunning example of it. She starts her career off as Hannah Montana (show footage from her HM concerts of how cute and free she is, maybe with Life's What You Get It) and continues on through Miley's Can't Be Tamed phase (show images of Can't Be Tamed's music video as good as Who Owns My Heart's MV) to register the differentiation.LADY GAGAYou have your choice of sex themed songs, but the most prevelant being LoveGame for obvious reasons. Some of the things that she wears onstage and in music videos are just. outrageously sexified and her lyrics from The Fame were really often "I want sex now", but the most stunning sex-themed thing she did was pay her vag in the Telephone MVKATY PERRYAnother woman who was right out the gate a sex symbol with the call I Kissed a Girl. Her come up to that was rather tame, but her MV for California Gurls this class was rather sexy while the lyrics weren't so sexy (except for when she mentions sex on the beach). Teenage Dream was but moderate, but Firework was not sexy at all, at least with the lyrics (show images of her boobs shooting off fireworks). Mention the song Peacock, even though it wasn't a single.

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