Sunday, January 23, 2011

Marostica (Vi) - L'Interno della Chiesa della Madonna del Carmine .

Marostica is a township and comune in the state of Vicenza, Veneto, northern Italy. It is mostly noted for its living chess event and for the local cherry variety.The list of the metropolis can be traced back to the Venetic (Adriatic Veneti) language and recalls the hills (mar/maros) and the various streams of water (rost) coming down from the neighboring mountains and the verb "to have" in Venetic language (ga).

Hence the list means "that has mountains and hills". Several Venetic findings have been discovered, dating back to the 1st millennium B.C. When the Adriatic Veneti federated with the Romans, they slowly abandoned their alphabet (Venetic) to use the Latin one.The spoken language evolved and incorporated with the Gallo-Iberian branch of Romance languages to form the modern-day Venetian Language (of which there are a bit of branches, including Padovano, Veneziano, Veronese, Feltrino, and so on). The spoken language remained Venetian which is forbidden and discriminated since the Italian invasion of Venetian lands in 1867. The Venetian Language is widely used throughout the region.Between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, the locality was greatly influenced by various members of the important medieval family from the Veneto, known as the Ezzelini it:Ezzelini. They were ultimately defeated in 1260. Marostega was a Venetian city until the Italian invasion which caused a diaspora and cultural ethnocide of the universe of the area, who was constrained to wait for luck in Brazil and many other places in the world.Marostega is celebrated all over the earth for the human chess game it carries out every other year, with personages living in the city public square. Starting in the 2nd week of September, it is a theatrical play dating back to in 1923and officially registered after second world war by comedy player Vucetich.Every even year, in September, a plot of chess using live pieces is played. After the Inaugural World War, members of the local chess club began playing chess in the principal straight and distinct to meet a halt of chess using people as the gamepieces. After the Second World War, the comedy writer Vucetich Mirko authored a work in which "Two noblemen, Renaldo D'Anganaro and Vieri da Vallanora, fell in bed with the beautiful Lionora, daughter of the local lord, Taddeo Parisio. As was the customs at that time, they challenged each other to a duel to win the reach of Lionora. The Lord of Marostega, not lacking to have an opposition of either suitor or mislay them in a duel, forbade the encounter. Instead he ordained that the two rivals would represent a chess game, and the victor would make the reach of Lionora. The failure of the chess game would also link the family, through marrying her younger sister, Oldrada. During the work the plot takes office on the feather in face of the Lower Castle with supporters carrying the noble ensigns of Whites and Blacks, in the front of the Lord, his noble daughter, the Lords of Angarano and Vallonara, the tribunal and the total town population. The Lord also decides the dispute would be honoured by an exposition of armed men, foot-soldiers and knights, with fireworks and dances and music". Needless to say, this literary history has naught to do with factual history and the chess square in the metropolis was reinforced later the Second World War and later the composition of Vucetich's play. This fabricated story is now re-enacted in the principal square of Marostega every second Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Sept of "even" years. The orders are even disposed to the sick now in the local Language (Venetian) of the "Most Serene Republic of Venice".

Marostica (Marstega in veneto)un comune di 12.845 abitantidella provincia di Vicenza, sorge ai piedi dell'Altopiano di Asiago. nota in tutto il mondo per la partita a scacchi che si svolge ogni due anni (anni pari) con personaggi viventi nella piazza cittadina, nel secondo fine settimana di settembre:una tradizione avviata nel 1923ispirata ad un evento del 1454. Per questa storica manifestazione la cittadina vicentina viene anche soprannominata "la citt degli scacchi".Marostica, adagiata sulla fascia pedemontana che, amena e verdeggiante si estende dall'Astico al Brenta, ha sempre suscitato un irresistibile fascino per le bellezze naturali di cuiricca e per un passato storico originale e glorioso.Le sue colline assolate, ove tuttora si coltivano il ciliegio, la vite e l'olivo, e l'immediata pianura sottostante favorirono l'insediamento di nuclei umani fin dai pi remoti tempi della preistoria.Marosticafamosa in tutto il mondo per uno spettacolo folcloristico di ambientazione storica in costume che si svolge il secondo fine settimana di settembre degli anni pari, la "Partita a scacchi a personaggi viventi" che si ispira ad una vicenda ambientata nel 1454.

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